Saturday, November 6, 2010

October 18, 2010 PLC

Cameron Epperson, Parker Warren, Ross Cary, Dyer Askins, Christian Sergent, Matthew Groves, Austin Ando, Anthony Ando, Tomie Robinson, Thomas Blyth, Joe Dunn, Billy McConnell, Vlad Watson, Stas Watson

Scout Meeting Plans
1. Oct. 25 Capture the Flag game
2. Nov. 1 Astronomy- instructors (Ross Cary and Cameron Epperson)
3. Nov. 8 troop meeting (TBD)
4. Nov. 15 PLC meeting 7:00pm
5. Nov. 22 meeting at 6:30 (program TV/weather) meet at channel 2
6. Nov. 29 troop meeting (TBD)

1. Nov. event is a day trip with professional fishing guide on Nov. 6
2. Younger scout campout Nov. 12-14

Service Patrol for Nov.

Theme for Nov.
Environmental Science

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