Tuesday, January 6, 2009

National Honor Patrol Requirements

I think it was Michael Scholtens who brought it up, but here are the requirements for National Honor Patrol. I think it should be a goal for all of you guys as most of the requirements are pretty easy or done for you already (IE patrol name and flag, camping trip, wear uniform, PLC meetings, 8 members in patrol).

Your patrol can earn the award by doing the following over a period of three months:

  • Have a patrol name, flag, and yell. Put your patrol design on equipment and use your patrol yell. Keep patrol records up to date.
  • Hold two patrol meetings every month.
  • Take part in at least one hike, outdoor activity, or other scouting event.
  • Complete two good turns or service projects approved by the patrol leaders' council.
  • Help two patrol members advance one rank.
  • Wear the full uniform correctly (at least 75 percent of the patrol's membership).
  • Have a representative attend at least three patrol leaders' council meetings.
  • Have eight members in the patrol or increase patrol memberships over the previous three months.
Source: meritbadge.org

-Wythe Crisler

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