Steven Mattox Boyce Campsen
Austin Ando Ross Cary
Cameron Epperson Waring Hills
David Nicholson Lars Nelson
Scout Meeting Plans- overview with changes and/or adaptations
8/17: Motorboat instruction- safety(Scorpion), maintenance(Lightning), and regulations(Gator)
CPR training
Board of review
8/24: Court of Honor
8/31: Camping instruction- backpack packing(Frog), water purification(Scorpion), and GPS training (Scoutmaster)
9/7: No meeting (Labor Day)
9/14: Sports safety instruction- sports injuries(Eagle)
9/21: Sport injury prevention instruction- basketball, soccer, football, and baseball
Special Events
8/11-13: Fall OA ordeal (OA members and candidates only)
8/21: Atlee Jennings Eagle Court of Honor
9/19: Beach Sweep
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
PLC Minutes
Attendance (so that you can keep track of how well your elected officials are doing their jobs)
Austin Ando
Boyce Campsen
Ross Cary
Joe Dun
Cameron Epperson
Waring Hills
Stephen Mattox
David Nicholson
Scout Meeting Plans- overview with changes and/or adaptations
6/29: Canoeing Review
July: Theme-Health Care
7/6: Meeting for fun and games at Palmetto Park (time TBA)
7/13: History of Medicine (Frog Patrol)
Board of Review
Special Events
7/1: Special PLC to finalize the yearly plan
7/13: JLT (Junior Leader Training)- 10:00 at Scout Hut, bring $15
7/17-19: Family Camp Out
7/18: Car Wash Service Project- more info coming
PLC Notes:
Mr. Hills desires to plan at least 2 Venture activities every 6 months.
Ross Cary, Austin Ando, Joe Dun, and David Nicholson have been assigned to research possible summer camp locations for the summer of 2010.
Austin Ando
Boyce Campsen
Ross Cary
Joe Dun
Cameron Epperson
Waring Hills
Stephen Mattox
David Nicholson
Scout Meeting Plans- overview with changes and/or adaptations
6/29: Canoeing Review
July: Theme-Health Care
7/6: Meeting for fun and games at Palmetto Park (time TBA)
7/13: History of Medicine (Frog Patrol)
Board of Review
Special Events
7/1: Special PLC to finalize the yearly plan
7/13: JLT (Junior Leader Training)- 10:00 at Scout Hut, bring $15
7/17-19: Family Camp Out
7/18: Car Wash Service Project- more info coming
PLC Notes:
Mr. Hills desires to plan at least 2 Venture activities every 6 months.
Ross Cary, Austin Ando, Joe Dun, and David Nicholson have been assigned to research possible summer camp locations for the summer of 2010.
Monday, May 4, 2009
May PLC Information

May's Theme: Camping
Service Patrol: Snake
Important Dates
- May 4: SPL Nominations
- May 11: SPL Elections
Other Information
- Those interested in serving as a troop leader (not patrol leader) other than SPL, fill out a form (you can get one from Mr. Hills at the next meeting).
- This month's theme (Camping) will start the Camping merit badge. This merit badge is EAGLE REQUIRED and will take some time to get as it requires a certain number of nights camping. The troop tries to keep an accurate record of how many nights camping each scout has, but it is up to the scout to keep his own records on what campouts he goes on and how many nights the campout was.
- Next week (May 11), Wythe will teach requirement 1, which covers first aid. Austin Tortorici will teach requirement 5, which covers proper clothing and gear for a campout.
- Requirement 5e is to "Present yourself to your Scoutmaster with your pack for inspection. Be correctly clothed and equipped for an overnight campout."
- If you are going on the whitewater rafting trip, you can take care of that requirement this month.
- May 15-17 is Ordeal Weekend for the Order of the Arrow. All OA brothers are invited for an exciting weekend of good food and Ultimate (Frisbee) fun, among other things. Newly elected members (from Troop 20: David Hall) will go through the ordeal.
- Meal plans for the Whitewater rafting trip need to be submitted to Mr. Miklancic ASAP.
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Court of Honor
Monday night is a Court of Honor. To help celebrate and make this occasion a fun and scrumptious event, the following patrols have been assigned to bring in the following items for the reception after the CoH:
Frog: Snacks
Lightning: Drinks
Gator: Cups, Plates, Napkins
Eagle/Scorpion: Fruit
Snake: You weren't in the troop when this list was made! You (lucky people) will get to bring things to the next Court of Honor.
NOTE/REMINDER TO PLC: The PLC meeting to plan for the next month's activities will be held on April 1 (WEDNESDAY).
Frog: Snacks
Lightning: Drinks
Gator: Cups, Plates, Napkins
Eagle/Scorpion: Fruit
Snake: You weren't in the troop when this list was made! You (lucky people) will get to bring things to the next Court of Honor.
NOTE/REMINDER TO PLC: The PLC meeting to plan for the next month's activities will be held on April 1 (WEDNESDAY).
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Eagle Project
PLease pass the word around that I, Austin Tortorici am having my Eagle scout project on March 21 and have anyone that would like to participate email me at
Monday, February 23, 2009
PLC Minutes 2/23/09
PATROL LEADERS: Please contact patrol members and communicate the following:
Camping/Other Outings:
Meeting Assignments
-Wythe Crisler
Camping/Other Outings:
- Our next campout will be March 26-29. We are going to Table Rock. Sign-ups will be at the March 2 meeting. Permission and Information forms will come out in the next couple of weeks.
- The trip in April is going to be a 50 mile bike trip from April 24-26. The 50 miles have to be done in 8 hours. A "practice run" of 25 miles will be done on the 14th of March. Mr. Scholtens will be running both the 50 miler and the 25 miler.
- Start thinking about the White Water Rafting trip in May (15-17). It is one of our more expensive trips, so if you need to save up, start saving now.
- The OA Spring Fellowship is March 6-8 @ Camp Ho-Non-Wah. If you are a member of the OA, go represent your Troop on a very fun-filled weekend at Camp Ho-Non-Wah.
- There will be representatives from the SPCA and Red Cross to speak to the troop on March 2/9. This is to finish up the theme of community service from last month.
- This month's theme is Wilderness Survival. We will be going over different requirements for the Wilderness Survival merit badge at this month's meetings. The grand finale will be held at the Table Rock campout where we hopefully finish the merit badge requirements and sleep in our own shelters overnight.
- Gator Patrol Only: Gator patrol is the service patrol this month.
- Money Monday is on March 16. Please bring dues, payment for Camp Ho-Non-Wah if you're going, and payment for the Table Rock trip if you're going.
- March 30 will be our Court of Honor. Food assignments are below. The rest of the CoH will be planned by Graham Shertz(sp)
- Snacks - Frog Patrol
- Drinks - Lightning Patrol
- Cups, Plates, Napkins - Gator Patrol
- Fruit - Scorpion, Eagle Patrols
- Mattias Miklancic and Matthew Jones will be having his Eagle Court of Honor this Saturday, February 28 @ 7pm in Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church.
- Zach Bradley will be holding his Eagle Court of Honor on March 22.
- If any scouts are interested in National Youth Leadership Training at Camp Ho-Non-Wah, please contact Mr. Hills.
Meeting Assignments
- March 2/9
- SPCA & Red Cross Representatives will visit one of these meetings.
- At the other meeting, Michael Hall will present information on how to survive in different types of climates
- March 16
- Money Monday (see above list for things to bring)
- Wilderness Survival Shelters: Mattias, Zach Bradley, Michael Hall lead (Mr. Miklancic help)
- Money Monday (see above list for things to bring)
- March 23
- Wythe tells what materials will be needed on the Table Rock campout for building shelters, food, etc.
-Wythe Crisler
Monday, January 26, 2009
Review of Tonight's CPR Instruction
To review CPR, here are the basic steps:
Also, "Once you pop, the fun don't stop." You only stop CPR if you are completely winded or help has arrived.
- Survey the area
- ALWAYS use protection; WEAR GLOVES!
- Shake the person/sternum rub/tickle infants feet, "Are you OK?"
- CALL 911!!!
- Check ABCs, head tilt, chin lift to open airway
- Airway clear, no pulse, no breathing? Start CPR!
- 2 rescue breaths
- 30 compressions
- 2 rounds of that, recheck ABCs
- Airway clean, pulse, but no breathing? Rescue Breathing!
- 2 breaths
- 5 seconds
- 5 times, recheck ABCs
Also, "Once you pop, the fun don't stop." You only stop CPR if you are completely winded or help has arrived.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Troop Instructor Update
Hi there. In the coming weeks, I (Wythe Crisler) will be doing short instructions on basically whatever scouting related topic I choose. Since I am Red Cross certified as a lifeguard, I have decided to make a "series" of sorts that will end in you being able to get your First Aid merit badge if you don't have it already. If you do not have your Tenderfoot, Second or First class rank yet, it will also help you get that as well (see requirement 1).
My first part in the series will be on all you need to know about CPR and what an AED is/does. This will cover requirements 3b and 3c of the First Aid merit badge. I personally think that the ability to perform CPR is one of the most important things to know how to do in terms of First Aid, so that is why I am covering it first.
I do not know what meetings I will be teaching at, but the plan is that I will have 5-10 minutes (sometimes the entire skills instruction period) at each meeting I do teach at to do my spiel. A quick list of what I intend to cover during each session is below.
I will try and post supplementary information about things I cover on this blog.
-You've been ACED.
My first part in the series will be on all you need to know about CPR and what an AED is/does. This will cover requirements 3b and 3c of the First Aid merit badge. I personally think that the ability to perform CPR is one of the most important things to know how to do in terms of First Aid, so that is why I am covering it first.
I do not know what meetings I will be teaching at, but the plan is that I will have 5-10 minutes (sometimes the entire skills instruction period) at each meeting I do teach at to do my spiel. A quick list of what I intend to cover during each session is below.
- CPR/AED (Reqs 3b, 3c)
- Tenderfoot, Second Class First Aid (Req 1)
- First Class First Aid (Req 1)
- Bloodbourne pathogens, triage, first aid kits, how to get medical assistance (Req 2)
- Heart attack, stroke, shock; when stings can be life threatening (Reqs 3a, 3e)
- Heatstroke, broken bones (Reqs 3f, 4a)
- Injuries to head, back neck (Req 4b)
- Requirement 5
- Requirement 6
I will try and post supplementary information about things I cover on this blog.
-You've been ACED.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I am sorry I havent been to any secent meetings baseball is crazy. I will try and get to as many meetings as I can but please let me know if I need to do something or what not
I am sorry I havent been to any secent meetings baseball is crazy. I will try and get to as many meetings as I can but please let me know if I need to do something or what not
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Update from Mrs. Hall
This is Mrs.Hall - Treasurer for Troop 20. To all patrol leaders: Please get the word out to your patrol members that "Money Monday" will be Jan. 26th. Monthly dues are $3.00 and if you need to catch up on your 2008 dues, I will have that information with me on the 26th. Hope everyone had a good winter break!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
National Honor Patrol Requirements
I think it was Michael Scholtens who brought it up, but here are the requirements for National Honor Patrol. I think it should be a goal for all of you guys as most of the requirements are pretty easy or done for you already (IE patrol name and flag, camping trip, wear uniform, PLC meetings, 8 members in patrol).
-Wythe Crisler
Your patrol can earn the award by doing the following over a period of three months:
- Have a patrol name, flag, and yell. Put your patrol design on equipment and use your patrol yell. Keep patrol records up to date.
- Hold two patrol meetings every month.
- Take part in at least one hike, outdoor activity, or other scouting event.
- Complete two good turns or service projects approved by the patrol leaders' council.
- Help two patrol members advance one rank.
- Wear the full uniform correctly (at least 75 percent of the patrol's membership).
- Have a representative attend at least three patrol leaders' council meetings.
- Have eight members in the patrol or increase patrol memberships over the previous three months.
-Wythe Crisler
To Patrol Leaders
I've made a list of what you should be doing below. Hopefully the scribe or somebody can do this in the future.
Patrol Duties This Month:
-Wythe Crisler
- Those of you with scouts who are 14 years old or older and have achieved the scout rank need to call these scouts and make sure they know that they have a meeting at 7pm on Thursday, January 8 to talk about Venture Patrol stuff.
- Get a head count on all scouts interested in the trip to the French Santee.
- January 30 - February 1
- Those who have not completed the Canoeing Merit Badge may have a chance to at this campout, weather permitting.
- Tell patrol members that there is an Eagle Court of Honor for James Brooks on Sunday.
- 3pm
- Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church
- There will be a uniform inspection at the meeting on Monday, January 12.
- February 8 is Scout Sunday. Sign-ups will be at the meetings this month.
- NOTE: There will be a chuck box clean-up Saturday soon. At least 2 patrol members will need to come by on this day to make sure your patrol's chuck box is clean and has everything that it needs in it.
Patrol Duties This Month:
- Service Patrol: Scorpion
- January 12
- Veterans - led by Scorpion Patrol
- January 19
- Hampton Plantation Presentation - led by Frog Patrol
- January 26
- Canoeing Skills - led by Lightning Patrol
-Wythe Crisler
Monday, January 5, 2009
Patrol Leader Council for Jan-Jun 2009
OK, is your own Blog. You are free to post anything pertinent to the troop or your patrol. If you are having problems you can email/call me or some of our other techno savvy scouts...such as Wythe...This should help with inner troop/patrol communications, it's not hard so lets use it, have some fun and learn some new skills that may help you land a job one day (and your parents will rejoice!!!)
Happy Scout Blogging,
Mr. Hills//
Happy Scout Blogging,
Mr. Hills//
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January 8, 2009 7:26 AM