May's Theme: Camping
Service Patrol: Snake
Important Dates
- May 4: SPL Nominations
- May 11: SPL Elections
Other Information
- Those interested in serving as a troop leader (not patrol leader) other than SPL, fill out a form (you can get one from Mr. Hills at the next meeting).
- This month's theme (Camping) will start the Camping merit badge. This merit badge is EAGLE REQUIRED and will take some time to get as it requires a certain number of nights camping. The troop tries to keep an accurate record of how many nights camping each scout has, but it is up to the scout to keep his own records on what campouts he goes on and how many nights the campout was.
- Next week (May 11), Wythe will teach requirement 1, which covers first aid. Austin Tortorici will teach requirement 5, which covers proper clothing and gear for a campout.
- Requirement 5e is to "Present yourself to your Scoutmaster with your pack for inspection. Be correctly clothed and equipped for an overnight campout."
- If you are going on the whitewater rafting trip, you can take care of that requirement this month.
- May 15-17 is Ordeal Weekend for the Order of the Arrow. All OA brothers are invited for an exciting weekend of good food and Ultimate (Frisbee) fun, among other things. Newly elected members (from Troop 20: David Hall) will go through the ordeal.
- Meal plans for the Whitewater rafting trip need to be submitted to Mr. Miklancic ASAP.
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby